Friday, 31 May 2019

pink shirt day

A few weeks ago on the 17th of May it was Pink Shirt Day.  We went around posting positive letters to people around Waikowhal Primary.  One of the men who received a letter sent us a letter back to us.  He is a doctor of Psychotherapist and he told us to keep up the good work. He also said that a lot of his patients had been bullied and that what we were doing could be saving peoples lives. 

Some of the cards said  "Be you and stay you." " You are cool the way you are." My one said, "Be your self not someone else.". In my group  was Torian, Apollo Aidan.
Torian was my buddy for the walk. Blog you later. Bye.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

Me and peitynn pumpkin list

 Hi my name is Isaac and last week we had to  find a  buddy. Peitynn  was my buddy. And we had to go around the room  and look at all the  vegetables and we had to write it on a piece of paper and we could smell it .Me and peitynn got 15 right.  And after that we had to make a document here is me and peitynn. We did a pumpkin link